Sydney (she/her) is an LPC at Seven Corners Psychotherapy. Her background entails a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and a master’s in clinical mental health counseling. She enjoys working with children, teens, and adults, working collaboratively with clients to help enhance and deepen self-awareness and healing. She thoroughly enjoys her work with young autistic people, running multiple groups, and working with clients individually to help explore who they are, identify needs and, and embrace their authentic self. Sydney also specializes in child centered play therapy to clients 4+. Her work is grounded in non-directive play, allowing the client to use the therapeutic relationship and environment to work through areas such as anxiety, expressing and processing feelings, trauma, self-esteem, and enhancing problem solving skills.
Clients Sydney Serves
Sydney provides services that are specialized to the unique needs and goals of everyone. Inclusive of all ages, cultures, religions, sexual orientation, and gender identity. She feels
passionately about working both personally and professionally through a neurodiverse and LGBTQIA+ affirming lens. She works with children ages 4+ using children centered play therapy and expressive art techniques. She also provides filial therapy to parents, holding special child- centered play sessions. Helping parents learn to engage the core concepts and work of child
centered play, to become the primary agent of change and build a more secure attachment between parent and child.
Sydney also thoroughly enjoys her work with teens and adults. Helping individuals with severe anxiety, depression, neurodivergence, gender identity, sports anxiety, trauma, and life transitions. Her therapy modalities are grounded in a person-centered approach, attachment work, and relational. Additionally, Sydney is a former collegiate athlete. She has a passion both personally and professionally, for helping kiddos, teens, college aged athletes struggling with anxiety, identity, sports performance, and end of career transitions.
Experience & Expertise
Sydney has extensive experience working with a variety of clients, ranging from children 4+ years old, to teens and adults. She continues to run multiple groups for young autistic people. Helping members explore and embrace who they are, work on advocating for their needs, and connecting with peers in an environment that values and encourages authenticity and having fun! Trainings and certifications include: Working with Autistic Young People, Child Centered Play Therapy, Working with Gender Diverse Young People and Their Families, STAR INSTITUTE VIRTUAL SUMMIT: Sensory Health and Autism, Polyvagal Informed Development of Emotional Regulation in Play Therapy, Dealing with Self-Injury in Adolescents & Young Adults, and
Autism and Play Therapy: A New Understanding Filial Therapy
Current Availability
Sydney currently has openings for in-person and virtual sessions. She also has openings for her groups
"Neurobears – Group for Autistic Young People" and "ADHD – Group for Young People".
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